Alumnae Elections

Alumnae Elections

We invite you to get actively involved with PLPAA! Please consider serving and contributing to an organization we all care about! PLPAA will hold elections this spring for openings on the PLPAA Board. PLPAA members will have the opportunity to cast votes during Reunion 2014. Others will receive ballots by email or U.S. mail. PLPAA offices up for election this year for two-year terms:

  • 2nd Vice President for Reunions
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer

To learn more about these positions and the work of the PLPAA Board, view our Constitution, or contact any board member.

Nominate yourself or a sister who has some time and talent to share! Please include a brief biography and photo. Nominations are due no later than May 1, 2014, by email to

In addition, the appointed position of Historian is open. If you are interested in preserving the rich history of Phi Lambda Phi, contact Bonnie to volunteer!

If you don’t want to be an officer, but do have an interest in serving on a committee (membership, archiving, reunions, liaison to the actives, communications), please let Bonnie know. Thanks.