Reunion Luncheon 2023

Reunion Luncheon 2023

It’s that time of year again! We are so excited for the PLPAA 2023 annual reunion luncheon. The luncheon this year will be held at Vona’s in Oswego on Saturday, June 10th. This year, our reunion luncheon will have the theme “Bee Strong, Bee Kind, Bee True” where we will focus on the upcoming year through positive, bold statements in black and yellow!
Luncheon tickets this year will be $45 at registration. Supporting members of the PLPAA who donate $35 or more will receive a $10 discount for the luncheon registration. Please visit the PLPAA website to register as a member.
More details on time, menu, and registration will be announced closer to the reunion date. For questions please feel free to reach out to our Vice President of Reunions Melissa Wutke.