Please continue to share your reunions and get together with us so we can spotlight in upcoming issues of the Phi Times.
Leona Stone Scott, Tricia Longo Gibbons, MaryAnne Oriente Mather and Jane Wolff recently spent time together in Massachusetts:

“Tricia, MAO, Janie, and me with our lambs! (MAO brought them!)”
Alumnae sister Keersten Heskin Martinez shared this lovely picture of a wedding at which many sisters were in attendance:

“TBT – With my Sista’s ! Finally got my wedding photos transferred after 13 years so figured I’d do my first TBT! Miss you! Pictured are Elizabeth Rapple, Jo Shelmidine, Michele Miller Thurston, Cheryl Williams, Caryn Kolber Noble, Maura Greeley Ambrosino, Heather Landau Battaglia and Gretchen Miller Basso.”