This past June over 250 sisters gathered in Oswego for our 60th Anniversary celebration! It was wonderful to see so many sisters in attendance and to have an opportunity for us all to connect with sisters across so many decades. We hope as many sisters will continue to come to the annual reunions held each year, if even just for the Saturday luncheon!
A big thank you to all the Phi Lambda Phi Alumni who toured the house during the reunion. Mark Tesoriero and Tom Stults thank all of you for visiting and donating. Phi Lamb donations totaled $400 and went to the Oswego Renaissance Association. The Shineman Foundation matched all donations to the ORA on a 2:1 basis. This $400 became $1200!
This coming year, the reunion will be held on JUNE 4 – 7, 2020. Our VP of Reunions, Carla Speranza, is organizing this event. Please feel free to contact her if you would like to be on the reunion committee: