Planning Has Begun for Reunion 2019

Planning Has Begun for Reunion 2019

As 2018 gets underway there is a lot of work and planning underway! The Active sisters in Oswego are embarking on a new semester of rush and recruitment. The PLPAA board and its committees are busy planning this years reunion in June 2018. Details will be in the next edition of the Phi Times. As well look forward to next year we are already preparing for our 60th Anniversary Reunion in June 2019.

The PLPAA needs your help finding all our lost sisters

The first step in planning our 60th Anniversary party is making sure we have current contact information for all of our sisters. There are approximately 1,000 of us. If you are interested in helping find lost Lambs we can use your skills. We will be working together to divide up our present data base of sisters into multi year groups and then have teams of sisters work on making sure that all the sisters from that time period are listed and that the contact information is current. You will be contacting sisters you knew and might still be in touch with. If you would like to partake in this task or have questions, contact Bonnie Love ’67/’70 as she is coordinating the recovery efforts: or via Facebook messenger.

Survival Baskets

Survival Baskets

Once again this semester, Beth Rapple coordinated our survival baskets. Beth delivered all the baskets to Oswego where they were given to each of our 8 new sisters. Thank you Beth for continuing this effort. A big thank you to all the alumnae who contributed to the baskets. This is a tradition that is truly appreciated by both pledges and the actives.

Love in ΦΛ ?

Reunion Recap 2017

Reunion Recap 2017

Sisters you have known for a lifetime and sisters you have yet to meet gathered in Oswego this past June for a weekend full of fun!

If you have yet to attend, you will be amazed! Oswego is a whole different world in the summer when it emerges from its blanket of white. The grass is green, the sky is blue, and our hearts are yellow & black and filled with love. Join us this year coming year in June of 2018 further details to come!