Reunion 2013

Reunion 2013

Hello Sisters of Phi Lambda Phi,
I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and personally invite you to this year’s SUNY Oswego Reunion June 7-9. My name is Jennifer (Owens) Potter ’05. I am the current Second Vice President of the Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association. I have been working with a wonderful team of women to plan this year’s reunion events. My committee includes Leona Stone Scott ’69, Carla Speranza ‘91, Tricia Longo Gibbons ‘70, Amanda Healy Pendock ’04, Erin Griffin Dinneen ‘71, Jennifer Caputo ‘91, and Barbara Mammino Bauman ’79. This year’s reunion will be packed with college events where we will have designated PLPAA areas (Look for those black and yellow balloons!), as well as PLPAA-sponsored sister-only events, such as:
• Friday at check-in you will be greeted by a sister and get yellow and black ribbons to attach to your nametag so that everyone will see you are a Phi Lamb alumna. Later, there’s a happy hour event at The Press Box from 3-5 pm. We can catch up with old friends and start to make new ones. PLPAA will provide snacks and you can purchase cocktails of your choice at the bar. Laughter and old stories are free!!
• Saturday morning is the SUNY Oswego/YMCA 5K walk-run event. It is an early morning event, but it would mean so much to the children in the area if we could donate our time and a little money to support them. The 5K walk-run supports the community and PLPAA feel that it is important to show our community spirit. You can choose to walk or to run in this event. I have already signed up and would love to have as many sisters as possible join me.
• After the picnic lunch, PLPAA will hold its Annual Meeting at 2pm. You will have a chance to meet PLPAA’s board members and learn more about PLPAA. Our president, Bonnie Love ’70, will lead the meeting, reviewing our constitution, budget, and future plans. MaryAnne Oriente Mather ’71 will talk about membership and how to get involved. You will be able to look over a display of memorabilia and a video about PLPAA. Several active sisters hope to join us at the reunion, and we plan to welcome the graduating seniors into the PLPAA as official members. We are also hoping that a few of our “Pearls” may attend this year as well!
• After the meeting, you are invited back to the house where it all began. Here is our big chance to share and reminisce about all the great, albeit somewhat silly at times, things we did as sisters in Phi Lamb. We look forward to sharing pledge memories and mixer debacles with sisters young and younger.
Again this year, reunion sweatshirts and t-shirts are available for purchase through PLPAA’s website (coming soon!) Orders need to be completed by May 6th so hurry!! At our website, you will find PLPAA news, learn about upcoming events, view a gallery of pictures, and shop for items in our store. You can also stay connected through our official PLPAA Facebook group page.
These featured events are in addition to Oswego classics like the Come as You Were BBQ, the Saturday night dinner, and the Greek and Friends’ Social. So when the registration form comes to you from Oswego, make sure you check “yes, I will attend.”
Love in Phi Lamb,
Jennifer (Owens) Potter Sp’ 03
2nd Vice President PLPAA

Phi Lambda Phi Cookbook: Submit Your Recipes Today

Phi Lambda Phi Cookbook: Submit Your Recipes Today

Dear Sisters,

We have a vision… a cookbook full of all the wonderful things we like to eat, some fond memories of Phi Lamb during your time at college, spiced with a special tribute to Mrs. Hilton.

We are putting together all your favorite recipes for a Phi Lambda Phi cookbook and we need your contributions.  Do you have a favorite recipe?  An old family favorite or maybe something you’ve just tried and absolutely love?

No matter what your cooking ability, or food preferences, your recipes are all welcome.  Until we see what we receive, we will be working with the following categories:

  • appetizers
  • main dishes
  • soups & stews
  • side dishes
  • snacks
  • desserts
  • vegetarian favorites
  • college favorites

Entries from beginner to gourmet are welcome.  And please send a photo of yourself and indicate your graduation year.

Our time line is tight as we are hoping to have this ready for the June 2013 reunion.  So please send your submissions, stories and photos to by April 5th, 2013.

It will only be a success with your yummy recipes…

Love in Phi Lamb,

Jeanne Heil ‘79

Sisterhood is Forever

Sisterhood is Forever

Dear Sisters in Phi Lamb,

I’m proud to introduce myself as First Vice President of the Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association (PLPAA). Among my duties falls the responsibility of building membership for PLPAA—an organization that is essential to the vitality and the very existence of Phi Lambda Phi Sorority. (SUNY Oswego now requires an active alumnae group in order for PLP to retain its charter.)

Phi Lamb nurtured us at many levels during our Oswego days. We partied. We sang. We studied. We also learned to live together, share responsibilities, organize, and lead. Personally speaking, the leadership skills that served me so well throughout my professional career had their seeds in my experiences as a PLP officer and as a responsible housemate at 54 West 5th Street. I’m forever grateful!

PLP brought me friendships that still remain. And my new engagement with the PLPAA brings me in contact with younger alumnae sisters to whom, I am delighted to say, I feel equally connected. It’s rewarding and uncanny! In addition to the opportunity to keep in touch with an organization and its members I once knew, I want to pass this incredible legacy on to future sisters of Phi Lambda Phi. But I need your help to do it!

You may have received our membership brochure in the mail recently. You can also view and download a copy here: PLPAA Membership Brochure. The brochure explains what your dues accomplish. AND…joining today offers you a little something extra—your “annual” membership will be active from now until June 2014. Please consider supporting an effort dedicated to preserving the traditions of an organization that offered each of us so many levels of growth. Without us…withoutYOU…Phi Lamb cannot endure. I look forward to receiving your membership commitment and your renewed (and new!) friendships in Phi Lamb.

If you’re on Facebook, please check out PLPAA’s official new group (we’re trying to consolidate all the PLP pages to one location). It’s a fun way to share and keep in touch: Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association (Official Group)

Love in Phi Lamb,

MAO (Mary Anne Oriente Mather ’71)
PLPAA First Vice President

PS We’re gathering in Oswego for Reunion 2013, June 7-9. PLPAA Second Vice President Jenn Owens Potter ‘05 and her reunion committee, made up of sisters from the 1960s through the 2000s, have a very memorable event planned that includes a festive welcome mixer on the river and an annual meeting of the PLPAA. We’ll be featuring a presentation of preserved PLP archival photos, scrapbooks and artifacts, as well as a taste of other projects underway. PLP shirts will be available, and a cookbook is in the making (more on that soon). See who’s attending so far and add your name at:

Letter from PLPAA President, Bonnie Love

Letter from PLPAA President, Bonnie Love

Dear Sisters,

It may still be winter (and do we remember winter from our days together in Oswego!), but all of us in the Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association are already very busy planning for our reunion in Oswego June 7-9.

As you can see from the names below, PLPAA has a new board – with new members, new ideas, new energy. For many years the previous board worked hard to support the active sorority, to save the House, and to lay the foundation for the organization. They did a great job!! Now it is time to grow our membership, save our history, and build new memories while we remember old times. We have many great ideas how we can do this, but we can’t be successful without you.

Reconnect with those good old times and the wonderful friends
you shared them with. Join us – as a member of PLPAA and hopefully as a participant at this year’s reunion. We want to hear from you about what we’ve done so far and where we want to go with PLPAA. Our annual meeting on Saturday June 8 will be a great place to do this. Also, it will be the perfect time to look at some of our projects underway.

Look for details about the reunion here on our website,, our Official PLPAA Facebook Group page, and on the college’s Alumni Reunion website, Or you can call 315-312-5559 or email for more information. And I’d love to hear from each and every one of you; write me at or give me a call at 585-227-4557.

Keep checking our website and Facebook pages for information on PLP clothing which has been so popular at previous reunions. Who couldn’t use some beautiful black and yellow pieces to add to her wardrobe?

Hope to see you there.
Love in Phi Lamb,

Bonnie Love (now)



2012-13  Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association Board

President:  Bonnie Love ’70

  • Special Projects Manager: Carla Speranza ’91
  • Strategic Planning Manager: Tricia Longo Gibbons ’70
  • PLP liaison: Michelle Kaufman James


First Vice President/Membership: Mary Anne Oriente Mather’71

  • Membership Manager:
  • Communications Manager: Amanda Healy Pendock ’04
  • Data Base Manager: Susan Davis Kassal  ’96
  • Newsletter Manager: Michelle Klinger-Wellner’82


Second Vice President/Reunion: Kathy Henry Powell ‘70

  • Regional Reunion Manager: Jeanne Heil
  • Annual Reunion Manager:  AC Marcelino Claudet ’71


Recording Secretary: Linda Panarites Sweeting ’75

Corresponding Secretary:  AC Marcelino Claudet ’71

Treasurer: Linda MacGuidwin Kimball ’71

Web Managers: Jennifer Caputo ’91  and  Erin Griffin Dinneen ’71

Revised 10/18/13