PLPAA Executive Board Elections

PLPAA Executive Board Elections

The Phi Lambda Phi Alumnae Association is seeking sisters who are interested in serving on the PLPAA Executive Board for the upcoming term.

PLPAA positions:

  • President
  • First Vice President (Membership)
  • Second Vice President (Reunions)
  • Treasurer
  • Corresponding Secretary
  • Recording Secretary

Please note that any sister who wishes to run for President must have served at least two years on the executive board in another position. The term for all positions is two years, the upcoming term running from Fall 2023 – Spring 2025. Members of the PLPAA Executive Board must be supporting members of the PLPAA with a donation of at least $35. Please visit the PLPAA website to become a supporting member.

Being a member of the PLPAA Executive Board is a rewarding way to keep in touch with your fellow alumnae and active sisters. Any sister interested in serving on the board should contact our President Michelle Klinger-Wellner by May 15th, 2023. Elections will take place in June during our annual reunion luncheon and on the PLPAA website.

Reunion Luncheon 2023

Reunion Luncheon 2023

It’s that time of year again! We are so excited for the PLPAA 2023 annual reunion luncheon. The luncheon this year will be held at Vona’s in Oswego on Saturday, June 10th. This year, our reunion luncheon will have the theme “Bee Strong, Bee Kind, Bee True” where we will focus on the upcoming year through positive, bold statements in black and yellow!
Luncheon tickets this year will be $45 at registration. Supporting members of the PLPAA who donate $35 or more will receive a $10 discount for the luncheon registration. Please visit the PLPAA website to register as a member.
More details on time, menu, and registration will be announced closer to the reunion date. For questions please feel free to reach out to our Vice President of Reunions Melissa Wutke.

Spring 2023 Actives Update

Spring 2023 Actives Update

We are so excited about the active’s recruitment and new member education process this spring! The actives held amazing recruitment events this semester, with rush dates this past February 15th and 21st.
We are so excited to announce that we have four new members! Congratulations to New Member Educator Courtney Lalla and all the actives, who strive every day to promote the values of Phi Lambda Phi.
Cross-over this semester will take place on March 31st. Any sister wishing to donate colors or help with active events please reach out to PLPAA President Michelle Klinger-Wellner.

Spring 2023 New Members
Active & Alumnae Brunch

Active & Alumnae Brunch

We are back with alumni brunch this year! Each year alumni brunch allows sisters in the Oswego area to connect with active sisters and incoming new members.

This year alumni brunch will take place at the Village Commons on the SUNY Oswego Campus from 11am-2pm, Saturday March 25. It will be in a potluck style, with everyone encouraged to bring a breakfast food item. For questions, please feel free to reach out to our Corresponding Secretary Carla Speranza.