Congratulations to Tamia Alberry Davis

Congratulations to Tamia Alberry Davis

This year’s recipient of the PLPAA Scholarship is awarded to Tamia Alberry Davis. Tamia pledged in Fall 2019, was her Pledge Class President and was Sorority President this past semester. Tamia graduated in Spring ’21 with a BS in Adolescent Education and a GPA of 3.15. Tamia is relocating to Syracuse, and she will be attending graduate school this fall.
Tamia stated in her application that ” From my very first day of being in Phi Lambda Phi, I have always sought to help my sisters. I am always inclined to help those around me, but I certainly saved a special seat for the sisters of Phi Lamb. I have done everything I can to be of service. As an African American young woman who studies history, diversity is always at the forefront of my mind. I have sought means and methods of making sure all our backgrounds/personal contexts are highlighted and considering in all our dealings. In terms of community, I do everything I can to make sure that those who may feel isolated or made to be pariahs are included.”
Phi Lamb truly embodies a unique and dynamic spirit, where sisters can collaborate their thoughts and be heard.
Congratulations Tamia, you truly embody the spirit of Phi Lambda Phi!
2021 Scholarship Award Certificate
There is still time to get your mug!

There is still time to get your mug!

2021 Zoom Reunion

2021 Zoom Reunion

Thank you to all the sisters who attended our virtual reunion Friday night! It was great to chat with everyone. We caught up with old friends and met some new lambs. A fun time was had by all. 💛🖤💛

We have also had a wonderful response to the scholarship fundraiser so far! If you haven’t ordered a lamb mug, there is still time. The campaign ends July 9th, so order yours today!



Six Executive Board offices are open for elections this year. 

Each office has a two year term. This election is for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023.

PLPAA members, please cast your vote by June 24, 2021.   Vote online here.

Michelle Klinger Wellner
Running unopposed 

First Vice President – Membership 
Astrid Roe
Running unopposed 

Second Vice President – Social 
Melissa Wutke
Running unopposed 

Corresponding Secretary
Carla Speranza
Running unopposed 

Recording Secretary
Katlyn Wilkie
Running unopposed 

Danielle Saturno McAdam
Running unopposed 


In addition to the elected offices listed above, we are in need of a newsletter manager, which is a committee position. Any interested members with graphic design and/or MailChimp or other email marketing knowledge, please email